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The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement



Karolina Follis is a political anthropologist and Senior Lecturer the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion at Lancaster University in the UK. She has worked on border policing and cross-border movements between Poland and Ukraine, on the contradictions of bordering in the Mediterranean Sea and on technologies of vision and security at EU borders. She is also trained in International Human Rights Law and has explored the uses of human rights discourses and instruments in international pro-migrant advocacy. She is the author several publications on the EU border regime in journals such as the Journal of Human Rights, Science, Technology and Human Values and the Journal of Civil Society, as well as the monograph Building Fortress Europe. The Polish-Ukrainian Frontier, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.


Border regimes, surveillance technologies and the ideas and practices of human rights in the international management of migration. EU, Eastern Europe, civil society, migrant health.

Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Politics, Philosophy and Religion. Lancaster University
Dr Karolina  Follis

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