“Governing migration outside ‘Fortress Europe’”
is a 1.5 day interdisciplinary conference, that will take place in the Alison Richard Building, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, in September 2019. The conference will explore dynamics of migration politics and governance across three regions that have seen rapid and diverging migration policy developments in recent years: North Africa, West Africa and the Middle East.
Proudly supported by the Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement.
The conference will bring together various academic disciplines and present accounts that go beyond usual Euro-centric explanations of migration policymaking, focusing on one or more of the following themes:
- Dynamics of preference formation among domestic, regional and/or international actors and how these inform decision-making;
- Competition between domestic actors in migration policy-making, within as well as among state and civil society actors;
- The role of migration policy-making in shaping foreign policy: its relation to state reputation-building, international norms and broader discourses and patterns of "democratization";
- Relations between governments and civil society actors on the one hand and the international community (donors, NGOs, IOs) on the other.
We are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker is Prof. Ferruccio Pastore (FIERI, Italy) who will present: 'The International Relations of Fear: Intrinsic Paradoxes and Problematic Outcomes of European External Migration Governance.'
Our full conference programme can be found here.
Please note that we have a limited number of tickets available for observers/auditors to attend the conference. Tickets are £50 and can be purchased online here
For queries, please email: beyondfortresseurope2019@gmail.com
Lorena Gazzotti, Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge
Melissa Mouthaan, Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge
Katharina Natter, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam