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The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement



Usman, M. Maslova, S. and Burgess, G (2020) Urban informality in the Global North: (il)legal status and housing strategies of Ghanaian migrants in New York City, International Journal of Housing Policy, DOI: 10.1080/19491247.2020.1814189



Edited by Breeze, M and Scott-Smith, T  (2020) Forced Migration - Volume 39, Structures of Protection? Rethinking Refugee Shelter



Perraton, H. (2020) International students 1860-2010: Policy and practice round the world, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan




Campana, P. (2020), “Human Smuggling: Structure and Mechanisms”. Crime&Justice,





Campana, P. and Gelsthorpe, L (2020), "Choosing a Smuggler: Decision-making Among Migrants Smuggled to Europe", European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 




S. Maslova, S. & King, R. (2020). Residential trajectories of high-skilled transnational migrants in a global city: Exploring the housing choices of Russian and Italian professionals in London. Cities, 96, 102421.




Cetin. E (with G. Özerim) "The interplay between migration and women: The case of Syrians in Turkey", in O. B. Çelik and M. İnce Yılmaz (eds.), Women's Economic Empowerment in Turkey (Routledge), 2019.




Cetin. E “Turkey Country Report: Legal & Policy Framework of Migration Governance”

(co-authored with Neva Övünç Öztürk, N. Ela Gökalp Aras, Zeynep Şahin Mencütek), as part of the EU funded Horizon2020 project RESPOND- Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond, available at, 2018.



Edited by Katz, I, Martin, D and Minca, C (2018) Revisited: Multifaceted Spatialities of a Modern Political Technology London, Rowman and Littlefield International