Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group (CCMSG)
For upcoming dates, please consult: https://www.humanmovement.cam.ac.uk/events
剑桥中国移民研讨小组为依托剑桥大学全球人口流动研究中心、剑桥移民学社、牛津 大学移民、政策及社会研究中心建设的跨学科、多机构中英文研讨小组,旨在为相关 学界仝仁提供平等开放的平台及紧密支持的研究型社群。自 2019 年 11 月成立以来, 已举办线上线下研讨多次,参加学人遍布全球多间机构。在移民研究、人口流动、区 域发展研究、城市研究等多主题集思广益,促进各地学人交流合作。在海内外流动人 口研究相关社科界域拥有广泛影响力。
The Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group (CCMSG) is an interdisciplinary independent research and discussion group co-organised by the Centre for the Studies of Global Human Movement at University of Cambridge, Cambridge Migration Studies Society as well as the University of Oxford’s Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS). The target of this group is to provide a platform for open-discussion and an intellectual community for mutual support. Since the establishment on November 2019, the CCMSG had organised a series of seminars, discussions, and sharing, with participants from all around the globe. The CCMSG had boosted research communication and collaborations specifically in the frontiers of migration studies, human mobility studies, regional development studies, and urban studies, attaining a wide influence on Chinese mobility-related academic research and practice in the Great China Region and aboard.
其二、来华移民,含回流海外华人及外国人; 及
We devoted ourselves to three major concentrations:
- Chinese diaspora and internal migrants in China;
- Migrants to China, including overseas Chinese backflow and foreign immigrants; and,
- Socio-economic background associated.
We also warmly welcome discussion and sharing related qualitative and quantitative research methods in social science, related social theories and insights on wiring and publication.
If you would like to join us, please fill the form
张同学 xi.zhang@keble.ox.ac.uk
赵同学 hz351@cam.ac.uk
史同学 ss2826@cam.ac.uk
If you would like to know more about the group or search for academic collaborations, please contact
Xi Christiana Zhang xi.zhang@keble.ox.ac.uk
Hongsheng Joseph Zhao hz351@cam.ac.uk
Shujing (Jing) Shi ss2826@cam.ac.uk
Group Events
- Monthly Seminars
In-person sessions open to Cambridge members and extended to other members of academic institutions with zoom online streaming in the same time. Co-convenors takes will turns to organise seminars. Each session is usually composed of two presentations of 20 minutes, with around 10 minutes Q&A session per presentation and a free discussion session of 30-45 minutes based on the related topics after the presentation. In general, one presenter could be internal, referring to research students or faculty member affiliated to the University of Cambridge and the other speaker external, referring to visiting scholars or research students, practitioners, or faculty members of other institutions. Special session on migration-related research methods can be integrated in substitute to one presentation session.
- Annual Workshop
A one-day conference style workshop is planned in Cambridge Easter Break or Easter Term, potentially collaboratively organised with other research institutions within and beyond the University of Cambridge.
- Reading Group(s)
Base on topics of interest, reading group could be initiated and convened by any member of the research network, with correspondent approval from co-convenors and funding entities. Reading groups are planned to meet monthly, occupy time slots devoted to bi-week sessions other than seminars. Currently we have two reading groups:
Reading group 1: David Harvey, Critical Geography and Migration
Coordinator: Xi Christiana Zhang
The CCSMG David Harvey Reading Group was founded in 2021, aims to provide a platform for people who are interested in David Harvey’s theories. By hosting a series of themed discussions, we hope to bring ideas off the page and into the world, promote researchers to develop an in-depth understanding of the changing postmodern culture, economy, and society.
Reading group 2: Migration and Gender Studies
Coordinator: Yi Wang
The group focus on population mobility and gender studies, endeavours to provide a relaxed and friendly context for students interested in related issues at home and abroad to read and discuss feminist literature and feminist literary theory.
Xi Christiana Zhang
DPhil candidate at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford
Hongsheng Joseph Zhao
PhD candidate at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Henry Lester Trust and UCCL Scholar, Postgraduate Fellow at Royal Geographical Society based at
Shujing (Jing) Shi
PhD student at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge
Leike Jackson Huang (Greater London and Southern England)
Bsc student in Politics and International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science
Dongwei Jacky Wang (Northern England and Scotland)
PhD student in sociology at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh
Former Co-convenors
Zaizhou Zora Li
PhD Candidate in Sociology at the University of Cambridge.
Yangfan Chris Zheng
MPhil student in Planning, Growth and Regeneration, University of Cambridge;
Past Seminar Topics
场次 |
姓名 Name |
机构身份 Institutional Affiliation |
分享题目 Presentation/Sharing Title |
1 |
赵宏生 Joseph Zhao |
剑桥大学土地经济系博士生 PhD Student, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge |
西方移民经典理论探微 Classic Theories in Western Migration Studies |
1 |
罗英豪 Dr Yinghao Luo |
剑桥大学社会学系访问学者|郑州大学讲师 Visiting Scholar to Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge | Lecturer, Zhengzhou University, China |
漫谈“幸福感”问题——以南水北调移民为例 Happiness in Migration: A Case Study of “Nanshuibeidiao” |
2 |
陆倩雨 Dora Lu |
剑桥大学土地经济系博士生 PhD Student, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge |
中国公租房政治经济学:上海重庆之比较研究 The Affordable and Public Housing Provision System in China: a Comparative Study of Shanghai and Chongqing |
2 |
王恒伟 |
剑桥大学土地经济系访问学者|西南大学讲师 Visiting Scholar to Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge | Lecturer, Southwest University, China |
重庆市流动人口的住房选择研究 Migrants’ Housing Choice in Chongqing |
3 |
巩昊洲 Haozhou Gong |
剑桥大学土地经济系硕士生 Master Student, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge |
风险偏好与移民决策 Risk Preference and Migration Decision |
3 |
Tugba Basaran 巴图巴主任 |
剑桥大学全球流动人口研究中心主任 Director, Cambridge Centre for the Study of Global Human Movements |
Introduction to Cambridge Centre for the Studies of the Global Human Movement |
4 |
吴丽蓓 Libei Wu |
剑桥大学发展研究中心博士候选人 PhD Candidate, Centre for Development Study, University of Cambridge |
中国温州移民:加州IT精英及欧陆非技术性移民比较研究 Migrants from Wenzhou: A Comparative Study of IT Elites in California and Non-skilled Migrants Continental Europe |
4 |
熊艾伦 Dr Ailun Xiong |
剑桥大学土地经济系访问学者|重庆工商大学人力资源系主任 Visiting Scholar to Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge |Director, Department of Human Resource Management, Chongqing University of Business and Technology, China |
城市化会侵蚀社会信任吗:基于户籍变动的实证研究 Will Urbanisation Erode Social Trust: An Empirical Analysis Based on Transformation of Household Registration System |
Group Activies Switched to Online Platform due to COVID-19 Pandemic 鉴于COVID-19疫情,研讨转到线上进行 |
5 |
李在洲 Zora Li |
剑桥大学社会学系硕士生 Master Student, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge |
借腹生子:中国的代孕市场 Borrow a belly to bear a child: Surrogacy Market in China |
5 |
劉亦浚 Adolphus Lau |
香港大學城市規劃碩士生 Master Student, Department of Urban Planning, University of Hong Kong |
中國城市規劃與設計範式之嬗變 A Genesis of Chinese Development and Planning |
6 |
刘洋 Yang Liu |
剑桥大学历史系| 牛津大学东方学系 Faculty of History, University of Cambridge | Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford |
十六世纪葡萄牙在华奴隶贸易 Portuguese Slavery Trading in China in the 16th Century |
6 |
陈洁修 Jiexiu Chen |
伦敦大学学院教育系 Centre for Sociology of Education and Equity, University College London |
跨越城乡、跨越阶层:农村大学生城市求学之路 Transcending Urbanity/Rurality and Class: the Educational Experience of Rural-origin Undergraduate Students |
7 |
施东来 Flair Shi |
牛津大学英语系 Faculty of English, University of Oxford |
中非文化产品中的种族形象 Racial Representations in China-Africa Cultural Production |
8 |
周政 Zheng Zhou |
剑桥大学建筑系硕士生 Master Student, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge |
深圳城中村与城中村文化的空间生产 Spatial Production of Urban Village Cultures in Shenzhen |
8 |
何韦萱 Weixuan He |
剑桥大学建筑系硕士生 Master Student, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge |
看不见的“巧克力城”:广州小北非洲族裔经济区的空间,权力和社会网络的重构 Invisible ‘Chocolate City’: Reconstruction of Space, Rights and Social Networks of African Diaspora in Xiaobei, Guangzhou |
9 |
赖韦文 Weiwen Lai |
斯德哥尔摩大学社会学系 Department of Sociology, University of Stockholm |
城乡回流移民与家务分工:基于中国健康与营养调查的经验研究 Urban/rural Return Migration and Housework Distribution: An Empirical Study Based on CHNS |
10 |
吴冠霖 Guanlin Wu |
牛津大学全球与区域研究院 Oxford School of Global and Area Studies |
“标新立异”的政治经济学: 历史比较观下中国特区发展案例研究 The Political Economy of ‘Exceptions’: A Comparative-historical Case Study of China’s Zone Development |
10 |
特别企划:七普数据分析与研讨 Special Session: Discussion on the 7th National Census of China |
11 |
吕一凡 Frank Lyu |
斯德哥尔摩经济学院博士候选人 PhD candidate, Stockholm School of Economics |
人口流动及社科研究之定量方法应用 Quantitative Methods in Human Mobility Studies and Applications in General Social Sciences |
12 |
章雅荻 Dr Yadi Zhang |
重庆大学新闻与传播学院讲师 Lecturer, School of Journalism and Communication, Chongqing University |
中国移民相关学术及政策研究前沿 Cutting-edge Research on Migration and Policy in China |
12 |
李彤 Eden Li |
剑桥大学教育学系 Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge |
三重身份:在华越南裔婚姻移民女性的困境与应对 Triple Identity: The Dilemma and Tactics of Vietnamese Marriage Immigrant Women in China |
13 |
张和轩 Nick Zhang |
伦敦大学学院斯拉夫与东欧学院 School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London |
在伦敦的中国和波兰留学动机比较探究 A Comparative Study of Migration Motivations between Chinese and Polish International Students in London |
13 |
王海潮 Haichao Wang |
伦敦大学学院人类学系 Department of Anthropology, University College London |
当传统遇见科技:初探数字媒体时代回坊移民社交媒体的使用 When Tradition Meets Technology: Social Media Used among Migrants in Hui Fang Jamaat in Digital Era |
14 |
安宁 Dr Ning An |
华南师范大学副教授 Associate Professor, South China Normal University |
儒家地缘政治的分析框架及中国海外华人华侨研究 The Conceptual Framework of Confucian Geopolitics and Recent Thinking on Overseas Chinese Studies |
14 |
普娟菠 Juanbo Pu |
香港科技大学 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
深圳市不同方言群体的集中空间、“族群”经济与收益 Residential and Industrial Enclaves and Labour Income among Different Dialect Groups in Shenzhen, China |
疫情趋缓,改为线上线下交替进行 |
15 |
郑扬帆 Chris Zheng |
剑桥大学土地经济系硕士生 Master Student, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge |
基于政府企业家主义的南昌万寿宫改造项目:发现、理论批判和反思 Re-examine State Entrepreneurialism in Wanshougong Regeneration Project: Findings, Critiques, and Reflections |
15 |
杨博 Bob Yang |
伦敦大学学院人类学系 Department of Anthropology, University College London |
康巴藏区的植物和社区重建:青藏高原牧区、震区和城区间本土人口流动案例研究 Plants and Community Re-construction in Kham Tibet: A Case Study upon Local Migration between Pastures, Townships and Cities on the Tibetan Plateau |
16 |
王淑玲 Shuling Wang |
剑桥大学教育学系 Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge |
中国教师遇上外教:种族歧视在英语教学行业的案例研究 Encounters with Whiteness in China’s English Teaching Industry |
16 |
王瑶 Yao Wang |
纽卡斯尔大学教育学系 Department of Education, Newcastle University |
中国新兴地区流动儿童教育探索---基于贵阳随迁儿童学校的民族志研究 Exploring Migrant Children’s Education in China’s Burgeoning Areas – An Ethnographic Study about Privately-run Migrant School in Guiyang City |
17 |
游天龙 Dr Tianlong You |
云南大学社会学副教授 | 美国亚利桑那州立大学法律社会学博士 Associate Professor in Sociology, Yunnan University | PhD in Sociology of Law, Arizona State University |
从“全警队”“全政府”到“全社会”:中国特色的国际移民融入 From ‘All Police’ ‘All Governments’ to ‘All Society’: Chinese-characteristic International Migrant Integration |
17 |
刘佳琪 Jiaqi Liu |
加州大学圣地亚哥分校博士候选人 PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego |
超越国家的国家权力:疫情期间的数字化基础设施和中国族群治理 State Power beyond the State: Digital Infrastructures and China’s Diaspora Governance during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
18 |
梁策 Dr Ce Liang |
剑桥大学政治与国际关系学系 Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge |
以生存为导向的命运:结构性位置与全球移民的路径 Survival-oriented Fate: Structural Positions and the Paths of Global Migration |
18 |
黄靓 Liang Huang |
四川大学国际关系学院| 中国西部边疆安全与发展协同创新中心 School of International Relations, Sichuan University | China Western Frontier Security and Development Strategy Synergetic Innovation Centre |
新冠疫情背景下中-尼吉隆口岸流动人口社会适应研究 Social Adaptation of Floating Population at Gyirong Port in the Context of COVID-19 |
线上 |
Cambridge Pembroke Workshop on Chinese Mobility, Migration and Diaspora 年会:剑桥彭布罗克书院中国人口流动工作坊
线下 |
19 |
王东伟 Jacky Wang |
爱丁堡大学社会学博士生 PhD Student in Sociology, University of Edinburgh |
返乡何路:后疫情时代海外中国学生应对回国政策与寻求流动 On the Way Home: Overseas Chinese students negotiate with returning policies and navigate mobility in the post-pandemic era |
19 |
戚云亭 Dr Yuting Qi |
伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院地理系博士 PhD Student in Geography, University of London, Royal Holloway |
回归何处?上海海归留学生的热肠饮食与情感 Return to Where? Everyday Food and Emotions of Overseas Returned Students in Shanghai |
20 |
陈颖雷 Yinglei Chen |
牛津大学社会系博士候选人 DPhil Candidate in Migration Studies, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford |
精英流动与被治理的艺术 Elite Mobilities and the Art of Being Governed |
20 |
傅翀 Chong Fu |
牛津大学东方系博士候选人 DPhil Candidate in Oriental Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford |
宗教性流动与被同化的艺术 Religious Mobilities and the Art of Being Assimilated
21 |
史淑婧 |
剑桥大学犯罪学博士生 |
公共卫生设施如何影响户外犯罪 – 基于美国西雅图的双重差分研究 |
21 |
王者 |
牛津大学教育学系博士后研究员 |
城市居民权:跨国海归学生回流中国三大超级城市之案例研究 |