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The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement



  • Principal Advisor, Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement; Co-founder of the CAMMIGRES Network
  • Research on the education of refugee and asylum-seeking children since the mid 1990s; expert contributor to the Royal Academy of Sciences event on the education of newly arrived children.
  • Co-author  Education, Asylum and the Non-Citizen Child: the politics of compassion and belonging (Palgrave MacMillan 2010); co-edited Education, Mobility and Migration: people, ideas and resources (Routledge 2013).
  • Current member of the Norwegian Science and Technology University project Language, Integration and Media (LIM)  funded by the Norwegian Research Council 
  • Co-Convenor of the Bell Foundation project on School Approaches to the Education of EAL students: langauge development, social integration and achievement (2014); and  Language development and school achievement: opportunities and challenges in the education of EAL students


Research on the education of refugee and asylum-seeking children since the mid 1990s

Jesus College and the Faculty of Education
Co-Founder, Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement
Emeritus Professor Madeleine  Arnot
Not available for consultancy
