I completed my BA and MPhil in Archaeology at the University of Porto, Portugal. To broaden my scope of expertise, I pursued a second MPhil in World Heritage Studies at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany. My thesis focused on sustainable community development and the nomination of archaeological heritage as World Heritage. Afterwards, I worked as an archaeologist and heritage expert in my hometown Macau (Special Administrative Region of China). For my MPhil in Archaeological Heritage and Museums at the University of Cambridge, I explored the distinction between movable and immovable heritage at the level of heritage organisations and migration museums. Currently, as a PhD candidate, my research explores how heritage is conceptualized in dispersed communities and how it is used in self- and group-identity constructions within a context of dispersal.
I am interested in the cultural heritage of diasporas; diasporas and postcolonialism; the role of associations and of institutions, e.g museums, in addressing human and heritage movements; on migrant identity and belonging; in the Mobilities Paradigm and its relation with the Heritage Field.