Mona Jebril is a Palestinian who lived in the Gaza Strip for more than 22 years. She is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, working on the Global Challenge Research Fund project: ‘R4HC- MENA’, which aims to build sustainable capacity, partnerships and research on health in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Palestine (see:
In 2017, Mona completed her PhD in Education from the University of Cambridge, as a Gates Scholar. Shortly after graduation, Mona has been invited by the Centre for Science and Policy at Cambridge to join their Network of Evidence and Expertise. Previously, Mona studied for an MSc in Higher Education at the University of Oxford where she won the Said Foundation Second Prize for academic and personal achievement. Dr Jebril has a significant experience as a teacher and trainer at state schools and as a lecturer at two of Gaza’s universities. She is also a co-founder of two centres and a scholarship programme in Gaza. Mona has produced four films from her PhD thesis. If you want to learn more about Mona, or watch her films, you are welcome to visit her personal website through this link:
Mona is currently working with the Cambridge Judge Business School on a Global Challenge Research Fund Project entitled: 'Research for Health in Conflict: Developing Capabilities, Partnerships and Research in the Middle East and North Africa (R4HC- MENA). This project aims to build sustainable research capacity and partnership in four countries (Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey), and in four distinctive areas: conflict and health research, political economy of health in conflict, and complex noncommunicable diseases such as cancer and metal health, as well as informing regional and international policy making regarding health in conflict affected areas. The legacy of the project is a " new, networked community with practice, policy and health systems financing and planning informed by the best available evidence". The project will be delivered by a consortium of universities led by King's College London and involving Cambridge University, Imperial College London, Chatham House, Columbia University, Birzeit University (Palestine), American University of Beirut (Lebanon), Haccetepe University (Turkey), and the King Hussein Cancer Center (Jordan). (For more details, see:
The Cambridge team is working only on two components of the R4HC-MENA project (see:, in relation to the Syrian conflict and the humanitarian crisis in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Palestine. Mona is contributing to the Political Economy of Health workstream, particularly involved in investigating the health system in the Gaza Strip, and how it is affected by the macroeconomic and political context of a prolonged conflict. You can read her work profile through this link:
Conflict-affected areas; MENA (Middle East and North Africa); Social justice and Development; Displacement and Migration; Higher Education;Symbolic violence; Interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary studies.