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The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement



Tobias Müller is a Junior Research Fellow at the Woolf Institute and College Research Associate at King’s College. He is a political theorist drawing on ethnographic data working in the fields of contemporary political theory, political anthropology, gender, secularism and religion. Tobias holds degrees in Politics, International Relations, Study of Religion, and Law from the University of Cambridge and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.


Tobias is principal researcher of the project Strictly Observant Religion, Gender and the State on which he is working with Dr Ed Kessler MBE. The project aims to understand how groups that claim strict observance to their religion interact with the state regarding questions of gender and sexuality. It seeks to investigate how gender and sexuality emerge as fields of contestation between religious people and the secular-liberal order advanced through the modern state.

Tobias' PhD research, Muslims and the Relational State. Contesting Security, Identity, Diversity, supervised by Dr Sara Silvestri and Prof Duncan Kelly, was supported by a Vice Chancellor's Award from the University of Cambridge and a doctoral scholarship of the German National Scholarship Foundation. His doctoral research investigated patterns of the mutually transformative interactions of Muslims and various levels of the state through the lens of two diverse urban neighbourhoods in Germany and the UK.

Tobias' recent work was published in Political Theory, Review of Faith & International AffairsZeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft / Comparative Politics and Governance and Rivista di Politica. He is co-editor of a special issue in Ethnic and Racial Studies on “Rethinking Islam and Space in Europe: Governance, Institutions, Performance”.  His research interests include 20th century political thought, continental, post-colonial and critical political theory, politics of secularism and religion in Europe. 

Tobias' recent work was published in Religion, State and Society, Political Theory, Social Compass, and Review of Faith & International Affairs. He is co-editor of a special issue in Ethnic and Racial Studies on “Rethinking Islam and Space in Europe: Governance, Institutions, Performance”.  His research interests include 20th century political thought, continental, post-colonial and critical political theory, politics of secularism and religion in Europe.


Key publications: 

Müller, Tobias (forthcoming): Secularisation theory and its discontents. Recapturing decolonial and gendered narratives. Social Compass, 67(2).

Moses, Chris, Müller, Tobias, and Taleb, Adela (ed) (forthcoming): Reconsidering Islam and Space in Europe: Governance, Institutions, Performance. Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Müller, Tobias (2019): Reconsidering the spatiality of religion and the state: relationality and the mosque not built. Religion, State & Society, 47(4–5), 474–490.

Müller, Tobias (2018): Destabilizing Religion, Secularism, and the State, in Political Theory, 46(3), 455-466. 

Müller, Tobias (2018): Constructing Cultural Boarders: Depictions of Muslim Refugees in British and German Media, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft / Comparative Governance and Politics12(1), 263-277.

Müller, Tobias (2017): Engaging "Moderates" Against "Extremists" in German Politics on Islam, in The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 15(2), 55-65.

Müller, Tobias (2016): Il potere del popolo è laico? Un'analisi critica della religione e del potere del popolo nella teoria democratia liberale (Is people's power secular? A critical analysis of religion and people's power in liberal democratic theory), in Rivista di Politica, 4/2016, 49-64.

Other publications: 

Müller, Tobias (2018): Sicherheitswissen und Extremismus. Definitionsdynamiken in der deutschen Islampolitik (Security knowledge and extremism. Dynamics of definition in the German politics on Islam), in Schirin Amir-Moazami (ed.) Der Inspizierte Muslim. Zur Politisierung der Islamforschung in Europa, Bielefeld: Transcript.

Müller, Tobias (2017): Constructing Islam and Secularism in the German Islam Conference, in Paul Anderson and Julian Hargreaves (ed), Muslims in the UK and Europe III, Cambridge: Centre for Islamic Studies, 49-62. Available online:

Müller, Tobias (2017): Provincializing Political Education: Postkoloniale Politische Theorie, in Markus Gloe und Tonio Oeftering (ed), Politische Theorie meets Politische Bildung, Wiesbaden: Nomos.

Junior Research Fellow, Woolf Institute
College Research Associate, King’s College
Dr Tobias  Müller

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