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The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement

EU Migrant Worker Project: EU-8 Migrants and Their Access to Tribunals

The EU Migrant Worker Project has been exploring the experiences of people who come to work in the UK from other EU Member States.

Their aim has been to gather robust empirical evidence about EU migrants' experiences of finding work and being in employment in the UK, as well as exploring EU migrant workers’ use of social security, particularly in situations where work cannot be found or where pay is sufficiently low that it needs to be supplemented.

By combining this insight with knowledge about the law in this field, we hope to shed new light on the big question of how we adequately regulate migration within a socio-economically diverse EU and a post-financial crisis context. We hope that this research project will help to inform public debate as we reconceive and renegotiate the UK's relationship with the EU.
