How to support refugees? A guide to the University and City of Cambridge
If you want to support refugees, but don't know where to start, check this guide. Volunteers are also welcome for running the refugee hub. Below is a list of refugee-related initiatives at the University of Cambridge and the City of Cambridge:
Student campaigns and societies
Refugee Scholarship Campaign for the Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship, a full-cost scholarship for undergraduate or graduate applicants to the University of Cambridge who face severe barriers in accessing higher education.
Cambridge University Sanctuary Initative The Sanctuary Initiative is working to make Cambridge University a safe and accessible space for refugee and migrant students and academics, and in so doing gain University of Sanctuary status through the Universities of Sanctuary Scheme.
Re:action - Cambridge University Refugee Aid and Action A student-run society which aims to organise meaningful aid and action in solidarity with refugee and displaced communities.
Cambridge Undoing Borders is a student movement fighting the advance of the 'hostile environment' onto our campuses and building a counter-vision of universities that are for all.
Solidaritee SolidariTee is the largest student-led charity worldwide, and we're fighting for long-term change in the 'refugee crisis'. Right now, in 2021, SolidariTee has over 800 student volunteers from more than 60 universities across 10 countries, all of whom are committed to making sustainable change in the refugee crisis.
City of Cambridge
Cambridge Council and how you can help in Cambridge - at the moment, Cambridge Council and its supporting organisations need the things listed on this page.
Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action Group (CamCRAG) is a registered charity (1170180) who send regular convoys of volunteers and aid from the Cambridge region to help refugees in Europe. We collect donations, hold fundraising events, fund projects overseas and raise awareness of the refugee crisis. They are looking for donations of cash and specific foods, as well as volunteers.
The Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign (CRRC) is a group of volunteers, initially set up by Citizens UK, that works with other organisations in Cambridge to welcome refugees and those seeking asylum.
Cambridge City of Sanctuary is committed to building a culture of hospitality and welcome. Let’s work together build a tolerant, forward-looking, open, welcoming, warm, compassionate city and country.
The Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum (CECF) is providing advice and practical help to asylum seekers and refugees in Cambridge. CECF is an umbrella organisation for Cambridge and district that also provides racial equality services to individuals and groups.CECF Refugee Services is a part of the Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum which:
- Provides advice and practical help to asylum seekers and refugees in Cambridge
- - including accessing asylum support, immigration advice, specialist counselling and ESOL
- Works in partnership with the statutory and voluntary sector to develop and deliver services to asylum seekers and refugees, including leading on developing a multi-agency partnership in order to coordinate and meet more effectively the needs of asylum seekers and refugees in Cambridge
- Develops resource materials for those working with asylum seekers and refugees, including delivering training and completing a research report on the needs and numbers of refugees in Cambridge.
Cambridge Must Act: Cambridge chapter of Europe Must Act, campaigning to show that Cambridge supports the urgent relocation of asylum-seekers from Aegean island camps.
Refugees at Home Refugees at Home is a UK charity which connects those with a spare room in their home to refugees and asylum seekers in need of somewhere to stay. So far it has been responsible for placing 2,347 guests with a total of 182,199 placement nights.
Room for Refugees Room For Refugees is a community hosting network that offers safe, temporary homes and pastoral support for insecurely-housed refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable groups - families, the sick, the elderly and unaccompanied asylum seeking children with no recourse to public funds. Could you offer temporary shelter to someone forced to flee their country who does not have the means to support themselves? If so, you could be a host with Room for Refugees.
The No Accommodation Network (Naccom) NACCOM is committed to bringing an end to destitution amongst asylum seekers, refugees and migrants with no recourse to public funds living in the UK.
Other organisations
CARA A lifeline to academics at risk. Cara has been working since 1933 to help academics and scientists fleeing from discrimination, persecution, suffering and violence. Some of those who turn to Cara have been attacked for defending academic freedom and human rights, for speaking out against government abuses, or opposing extremism. Others, caught up in conflict, have seen their universities under fire and their colleagues kidnapped, tortured or assassinated. And others have faced assaults or even murder threats because of their ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Cara helps them to find refuge at universities in the UK and elsewhere, where they can maintain and develop the skills they will need when, as the great majority of them want, they can go home safely to build better, more stable societies.
Amnesty International - Cambridge Every month the members and supporters of the Cambridge City group write letters, organise talks, stalls and other events to raise awareness of human rights issues around the globe and campaign for justice for victims of human rights abuse.
British Red Cross - Refugee Support in the UK and Abroad
Volunteering Opportunities
Refugee Education UK is looking for volunteers in Cambridge and Peterborough to support refugee and asylum-seeking young people with their education! We equip young refugees and asylum seekers to build positive futures through education. In Peterborough, we are looking for warm, empathetic and patient individuals who want to become an educational mentor to a young person. A mentor provides 1-1 support with English, basic maths, or homework for one hour per week. Mentors often become important adults in the young people’s lives, acting as role models and helping to combat isolation and loneliness. Applicants are interviewed and successful mentors will receive training and a DBS-check. To enquire about becoming a mentor with us, please go to our website here and complete our enquiry form. The mentoring coordinator for Cambridge & Peterborough will then be in contact with next steps. Please contact with any queries.
Volunteer Opportunites by Cambridge City of Sanctuary