Kazunari SAKAI, PhD (2007, Kobe University), is Professor of International Relations and EU Studies at the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University, Japan. His current research foci are on the EU’s external relations with neigbouring countries, migration issues across the Mediterranean Sea, and global governance related to migration. Past positions include invited Professor at Institut d’études Politiques de Paris, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II. Published works include Yōroppa no Minzoku Tairitsu to Kyōsei (Ethnic Conflict and Harmony in Europe), which won the 2008 Murao Scholorship Foundation Academic Prize; “Enlargement of the EU and Struggle to Coexist with Cultural Others,” in Kazunari Sakai and Kazuko Iwamoto, Eds., European Identity Formation and Its Political Significance, Intercultural Research Center, Kobe University, 2014. From April 2016, he is coordinator of the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Core-to-Core Research Programme on the “Public Policies on Migration, Multiculturalisation and Welfare for the Regeneration of Communities in European, Asian and Japanese Societies”.