Karam is a Cambridge Trust scholar and recipient of the Institute of Ismaili Studies scholarship. He holds an MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies. His research focuses on post-disaster urban reconstruction, informality rebuilding and the role of Architecture and Digital Urban Planning in recovery. He supervised architecture students at the University of Cambridge and Al-Baath University. Before his doctoral studies, he worked as a Building Operation Supervisor with the Aga Khan Development Network and WFP. He co-designed the humanitarian aid distribution site in Salamiyah in Syria which delivers to over 1200 beneficiaries daily.
Refugees' integration in host cities.
Refugees' integration in schools and Higher Education in the UK.
The role of NGOs in integrating asylum seekers and refugees in the UK.
Refugees' participation in the urban recovery of their home cities through digital platforms of architecture and digital urban planning.
Shelters design for the displaced.
Migration Policy in the UK.